Sunday, January 23, 2011

Square Enix wants your next-born child to play FFXI on XBOX 360

Admittedly, I probably should have known better. I've played the PC version of Final Fantasy XI and was not too impressed with it. In fact, I never got past the starting area in the PC version. However, I thought maybe the console version might play better with the way the controller moves the camera and everything. Well, two weeks after buying the game I still didn't know. I should've read that the game required a hard drive and then realized that my 4GB 360 Slim didn't come with a hard drive... So, yes, that's my fault there, I'll admit that.

Fast forward to last night after I've purchased the hard drive I needed to play (this is the only one that works without unauthorized work-arounds that may damage your system, by the way). The link for the hard drive is below this post.

Okay, so the PlayOnline viewer installed in under five minutes. Good to go, right? No, not so fast. Now you have to register. This shouldn't be a big deal, should it? Apparently, Square Enix had to make this part extremely hard. Apparently, Square Enix thought that the way other games let characters enter information was just too easy...

Their not-normal cursor icon further complicates the process because you don't know which end is the right one to use. Secondly, if you don't have a keyboard attached to your controller (as I don't), you're in for some additional pain. You have to highlight the field you want to type into, then press the Y button to select the field, and then the X button to open up the keyboard to use. Then once you're done, you have to press the B button to close the keyboard and then start the process over with the next field. Okay, fast forward about 30 minutes later and I've finally finished the registration process. I thought since I downloaded and updated the PlayOnline thing that I was ready to get into the game. No, sorry, I still have to update the actual game portion of the game. It says I have one hour remaining, so I go do something else for an hour.

Now I'm back and it says complete and press X to continue. I press X to continue and now it's updating again...Now, I'm officially frustrated. Now, I have about 5 hours remaining and it's bedtime. I leave it on to update and when I wake up in the morning, it says I'm good to go. Now I have to obtain a Content ID (FFXI's version of character slots). I choose 3 for now, since they're all free for thirty days and create my male Hume. I choose Bastok and load into the game. I watch the short intro and do the initial dialog with the NPCs and find my first mission to go into the Bastok mines and get the report from the Overseer. There's a map, but it's not easy quest-finder mode-enabled like World of Warcraft. I get to the mines, and now I have no clue where to find the Overseer. I search for a while and still haven't found him. I also find out that I'm no match for even the low level "Ding Bats" in the mines (although the name does make me laugh) and without a weapon I die very quickly. I log for now, but I still want to give the game a little longer. I plan on finding a strategy guide for the quests and missions that I can not figure out on my own (I admit it, I'm not the hardcore type, I like help) and also getting a weapon in-game. If you want to try out the game, get some headache medicine (and make sure you aren't susceptible to high blood pressure) and click the link below:

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