Thursday, January 20, 2011

Share mission with group? Nope, not in DC Universe.

I have to say, I really like playing DC Universe Online. The fact that I can save iconic superheroes throughout the game and the fact that iconic superheroes talk to me throughout the game makes me get all giddy inside. I also like the fact that levelling up seems to go much quicker in this game than in other MMOs. But, here's the one fact I don't like. It's not very group-friendly, and it's supposed to be an MMO. All of the inside missions pretty much require a second person to complete at the correct level (Right now, I've been completing them solo at about 3 levels higher than the suggested mission level). This would be okay if I could simply share the mission with my friends. Nope, the DCUO powers that be said that they don't need that feature in this game. So, pretty much, my friends can help me complete the mission, but they really have no extra incentive to do so. Yes, this has left me basically playing the game by myself, because I simply didn't want to group up with others I didn't know in the game. This is a pretty basic feature in most MMOs (the ability to share missions or quests, that is) and for some reason, Sony forgot to put it in there. They can't claim ignorance, because this isn't their first foray into the MMO world (Everquest, Everquest 2, Vanguard. Do any of those ring a bell?), so I really can't find a good excuse as to why they did this. Post your comments below and let me know what you think about this lack of a feature.


  1. It is strange to say the least. Missions in the journal do have a "Share" button, but it's usually never enabled, and I can't find actual information about it even in the wiki for this game. Then another issue is me and a friend are both level 30 now, so we want to team up as usual for some same-exact missions, but we don't appear together anymore when entering the mission's buildings! (same group and phase, of course) What's up with that?!?!

  2. I am unsure how/why it can or can't happen. But I've seen both failed and successful attempts at sharing group missions.

