Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Friday! Welcome to!

Okay, so in keeping with my promise to give you all the answer to the "something big" that was coming Friday, here it is. It's 12:41 am where I live, so it's Friday. Lately, I've been trying to recruit some of my friends and family into playing World of Warcraft with me (consider it a real-life recruiting for the in-game world type of thing). Yes, I know, I play games way too much, but I just want to spread the

Anyways, onto the point of this halibaloo. I would usually get my family members to play for maybe 5-10 minutes at the most before they would say that they didn't understand the game at all. I left it at that for a while until one family member said that they would like to play the game more, but they just didn't understand it and became easily frustrated. I asked around to the other people, and I kept getting the same response. The in-game WoW tutorial just wasn't cutting it for these people and they were becoming frustrated and giving up on the game very quickly, although they enjoyed the possibilities that the game could bring.

So, after several months of research, work, and monkeys (don't ask, there is just always monkeys involved in everything), We Play Wow was developed. It is the most in-depth beginner's guide (well, actually guides) and one-on-one help available. Actually, there isn't anything else like it. Trust me, I looked and looked and even the monkeys couldn't find anything.

"Wait", you ask, "You're asking us to pay you to teach us how to play World of Warcraft?" No, I'm not, actually. Here is what my program will provide you. All of the programs include the following: a beginner's guide to GameSpeak, a customized (yes, I personalize each one of these things) guide to World of Warcraft developed specifically for you (I e-mail you and you e-mail me letting me know what it is you are wanting to learn and I then create a guide specifically tailored to your needs every single time), bi-weekly to tri-weekly meetings (some would call these classes, but I would hardly call playing WoW school), and basically just about anything else that you could ask for this type of program. Trust me, if you e-mail me with a question, I will answer it (and no, I won't charge you extra money to answer your questions, all that's included).

This product isn't for everyone. Actually, it's not for people that already play World of Warcraft. It's for those people who want to play, but having a hard time understanding the game. I taught my own mother (who was one of the ones who could only play for 5 minutes before quitting) using this course and she is no longer a 5 minute wonder. I know there's going to be jerks out there saying "Everyone can play WoW. It's so easy." No, my friend, it's not. Not for people whose last video game was Pac-Man or Tetris (both very awesome classics in my opinion. And trust me, the in-game community for the most part, is less than stellar in their empathy and helping attitudes (spend 10 minutes in trade chat and you'll see what I mean).

I'm not charging you for doing stuff that World of Warcraft is already doing, the extremely low fees that I do have are for the time investment that I personally make for every individual person. You're not sitting with millions of people watching a recorded webinar. You're actually talking with a real, live person, one-on-one, and working together in-game as well. No, I'm not charging you to play the game with me (trust me, I'm not that desperate for a social life), again, the extremely low fees cover the cost that I incur for the services that I provide (the guides, creating accounts on World of Warcraft, the ventrilo voice-chat server, etc).

Again, this product is not for everyone. But if any of what I said applied to you and you want to get started playing World of Warcraft and actually enjoying it, head over to and check out what we have available.


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